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Thanks for game :) 

That was awesome! Thank you for the comments and documenting your experiences :D If it's okay with you, I'll probably be sharing this with the next devlog!


This is fun. Master Normal Mode. It's worth it.


I'm not a fan of games with horror elements, but I absolutely loved this game. It leaves you annoyed (in a good way) and wanting to try more lol. I highly recommend sparing 30 minutes of your day to try it out. I hope the story develops and I'm very curious as to where its going to lead! 

Thank you so much for playing! I really appreciate it, it means so much! I have an interesting few patches in mind for the near future!


I absolutely adore the psx and retro style vibes, the music fits it all so well too. Loving the environment design. Gameplay wise, while it is very simple, the gameplay mechanics keep it challenging and interesting enough. You are forced to hone your own skills by learning how to use the given mechanics to deal with enemies. While the reload mechanic can make you panic, it is satisfying to hit it at the right time for a faster reload.
The story is simple enough with dialogue that isn't too overwhelming to read. Leshy is quite "charismatic".

Some feedback as a casual player:
-health/hp system, as it is very easy to get one shot while dealing with multiple enemies 
-maybe an indicator on where to go next cause sometimes it is unclear where the "opened path" is
-projectiles effects could be more brighter so its more easy to notice
-reload mechanic could potentially be made rng based for a hardcore mode(eg: the green bar is more random now, going from anywhere to 5 percent to around 45 percent?)

Thank you again for such a game, can't wait to see what updates will come to it. :D

I've implemented a compass and made projectile visibility more prominent! You can read more about it here:

I'm going to be working next on creating an easier mode and retain the current mode as "hardcore". The RNG on reload is an interesting idea too. Thank you so much!